Flash Extractor
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Software bad bytes
Some memory chips have broken bytes at pages
Controller can not use this bytes to store data
So it skip this bytes

Flash-Extractor expects that data is sequential
So we must cut unused bytes
And fill free space at end of page with ff to keep same page size

Hardware bad bytes

Some memory chips is tested at factory
List of bad bytes positions gen be read from chip with special command
NAND_Reader read this positions and store them in 01_01.dump.bb file
Then we can use "Cut bad bytes" step in mix editor to remove bad bytes

Software bad bytes

Some controllers test memory chips by its own method
They form list of bad bytes and store it somewhere in memory
We do not know where they store it
And can not use it to remove bad bytes

So, before use Flash Extractor,
we need find positions of bad bytes and remove them
Last added
AU6989NHL-2   98 d7 98 b2   1x1 SM3281L-AB   45 3c 98 b3   1x1   v5 Monolith Micro SD_76   98 3c 99 a3   1x4 SM3265P-AC   45 3e 98 03   1x1 SM3281N-AB   45 48 9a b3   2x2 Monolith Micro SD_75   32 2c c3 08   1x1 Monolith Micro SD_74   45 3e 98 b3   1x4   Ref AU6989SNHL-2   45 de 98 92   1x1 SM3261L-AB   45 de 98 92   1x1 SM2232T AC   89 d7 94 3e   4x2
01.02.2024 Save FE key
23.09.2022 The End
11.11.2021 Legs for NR
16.08.2021 Sector Number Slow
15.07.2021 New drivers
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