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Adapter BGA-152

Can read chips with 8 banks

Can read only 4 banks
Chips with 8 banks become hot during reading


|                                                                         |
|   --- --- --- --- ---                             --- --- --- --- ---   |
|   --- --- --- --- ---                             --- --- --- --- ---   |
|   --- --- --- VCC GND D7- GND --- GND --- GND D0- GND VCC --- --- ---   |
|   --- --- --- VCC D5- D6- VCC --- VCC --- VCC D1- D2- VCC --- --- ---   |
|               D4- GND --- CE6 CE2 RB2 GND ALE --- GND D3-               |
|               VCC RE_ WE_ CE8 CE4 RB4 --- CLE --- --- GND               |
|                                                                         |
|               GND --- --- CLE --- RB3 CE3 CE7 WE_ RE_ VCC               |
|               D3- GND --- ALE GND RB1 CE1 CE5 --- GND D4-               |
|   --- --- --- VCC D2- D1- VCC --- VCC --- VCC D6- D5- VCC --- --- ---   |
|   --- --- --- VCC GND D0- GND --- GND --- GND D7- GND VCC --- --- ---   |
|   --- --- --- --- ---                             --- --- --- --- ---   |
|   --- --- --- --- ---                             --- --- --- --- ---   |
| *                      Top View (Look thru chip)                        |

Some power pads can be connected internaly
No need connect all in this case

Double pads D0, D0, CLE, CLE etc, must be connected together

All RB signals must be pulled to VCC with 1k resistor

Last added
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